Inside a container registry: The mechanics of push and pull

If you have packaged your code and deployed it in a cloud or on-prem server, you must have come across containers. That’s how ubiquitous containers have become today. You must have written that infamous Dockerfile, ran Docker build command to create the image and pushed it to a registry. Conversely, you must also have pulled that image (often using shell script or k8s manifests) and ran your image as a container. But have you ever thought about how the image is actually pushed or pulled from a registry? We are going to talk just about that in this blog. From here on out, “clients” will be used to refer to the cli tools which can pull images – like Docker, nerdctl, ctr etc. – and “registry” to refer to the backend which serves these images. Also, we will take an example curlimages/curl:8.9.1 image stored in DigitalOcean Container Registry. We will use nerdctl as the client to get a better understanding of the image internals.

Use a Linux VM (Optional)

create such a Droplet by following the instructions in our documentation. Using a Linux VM is optional and any platform such as Windows and MacOS can be used.

If you have a DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes cluster, you can use a debug pod on any one of the nodes as:

> k debug node/any node> -it --image=zmmdv/nerdctl:1.7.6 -- /bin/bash
> alias nerdctl="nerdctl -a /host/run/containerd/containerd.sock"

Also, you would have to use /host/var/lib/containerd in upcoming sections, if you choose this path, as the node’s root filesystem is mounted in /host path of the pod.

Install Docker/containerd and nerdctl

install Docker/containerd by performing the steps from Docker’s official install page. For our blog, we can get by with installing just containerd since we will be using nerdctl as the image client. We can do so by adding the Docker’s apt repository and do sudo apt-get install

Nerdctl can be installed from its official GitHub release page. I have used version 1.7.6. For this blog, the minimal nerdctl archive should be sufficient, but if you want to run containers, you will require the full nerdctl archive.

Using DigitalOcean Container Registry

create a container registry in DigitalOcean by following the steps or if you already have one you can follow the steps here to push/pull an image.

It’s important to talk about what an image consists of before finding out how it’s transferred between the client and registry. First let’s try to pull an image using nerdctl:

> nerdctl image pull [](
config-sha256:5f48a11a4b51dd9f8eddd97396069a65d9c8bd1ba2dbc4dffe98954a5078ad51:   done
layer-sha256:4ca545ee6d5db5c1170386eeb39b2ffe3bd46e5d4a73a9acbebc805f19607eb3:    done
layer-sha256:c6a83fedfae6ed8a4f5f7cbb6a7b6f1c1ec3d86fea8cb9e5ba2e5e6673fde9f6:    done
layer-sha256:4007b551d63a39f6c3235cb5af643f633cf6e0bf5a161465b074eaf60ab43f44:    done 

Container images consist of index, manifest, configs and layers as can be seen from the output of above command. These are described in the next sections in a top down manner.





Monolithic upload

Chunked upload

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