Design Better Add-Ons for Adobe Express with Our UX Guidelines | by Joel Ebner | Mar, 2024

This is going to be helpful for two reasons: First, you’ll gain a nuanced understanding of the components we often employ for add-ons, each of which has specific use cases. Second, you’ll start to see how components are used — both as standalone components and in relation to one another. Again, this is a bit like referencing a recipe for a meal: Understanding your separate ingredients while also getting a good idea of how they fit together will help you see how the principled use of component-level designs can translate into meaningful results for your add-on.

2. Open Adobe Express and start using add-ons

Using add-ons that are already publicly available will reinforce some of the notions outlined in our first recommendation: You’ll gain an even better understanding of what components we use and how they fit together to generate meaningful feature additions for Adobe Express. Since many of the current add-ons are built on the principles we’ve outlined, they’ll help you visualize what the end result might look like when you align your add-on’s design with our recommendations.

Three specific add-ons which nicely manifest these principles are:

When looking at these three add-ons, pay attention to these details referenced in our guidelines:

  • Padding: used in multiples of 8 — typically 8, 16, or 24px — which includes the interior left and right edges of the add-on panel
  • Container shapes: have consistent corner rounding — typically 4px or 8px
  • The large Spectrum button component: actions typically use the “primary” or “accent” variant

3. Make use of Spectrum, Adobe’s design system

You might be noticing a recurring theme across our recommendations — proper use of Spectrum can significantly enhance the quality of your add-on.

Design systems are great resources for a couple of reasons. First, they reduce the guesswork that often goes into making functional and visual decisions. When starting a design project, it’s natural to have questions like “how should buttons be styled?”, or “what font sizes should I use for my H1, H2, and H3?”. Leaning on a consistent framework for answering those questions, then, makes it easier for us as designers to focus on solving core user problems, rather than getting hyper-focused on component-level details.

End users also benefit significantly from design systems. If you’ve ever opened up an application and felt like every panel, text field, and interaction was designed by a different team, then you may understand why — inconsistency can be jarring. So when designers use systems to frame out their projects, end users reap the benefits by way of having a unified, cohesive experience to explore.

None of this is to say that design systems alone can answer questions regarding visual hierarchy, style, and UX patterns — that, in part, is why the Extensibility team decided to create guidelines specifically for add-ons! But if you use Spectrum while also cross-referencing the documentation for Adobe Express add-ons, then you should be able to generate an add-on that will be intuitive, familiar, and delightful for users.

For more tips on how to use Spectrum to build better Adobe Express add-ons, watch this 10-minute workshop hosted by our designer Stephanie Corrales and check out her slides for reference:

4. Be mindful of space

Constraints are a natural part of creating any user experience; while not always ideal, the limitations we face as designers not only shape the things we make, they can also clarify our objectives.

The add-on panels — which are a structural extension of the editor panels in Adobe Express — have some clear limitations with regard to width and height. That’s intentional: Since we want to make as much room as possible for users to focus on the content they are designing — i.e., the pages central to each project — we want our side panels to be narrow enough to not get in the way.

The Quick QR Code add-on, shown in an open panel

The main container for add-ons maintains a consistent 320px width, while the height remains dependent on the browser. Those dimensions — which typically render as a tall rectangle — require you as a designer to think specifically about how to organize your add-on so that the experience for users is intuitive.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Buttons — especially ones for primary actions — should be visible to the user, and ought not display “below the fold”, i.e. past the default visible area of a scrollable interface.
  • Long sections of scrollable information aren’t always bad — browsing icons or illustrations with unlimited scroll is a fairly standard navigational paradigm — but if you have distinct sections of content, then you may want to break things up by way of component-level implementation.
  • Tabs and accordions can help; the former allows the user to click between different sections of content, while the latter makes it possible for the user to expand and collapse information at will.

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